Maximize savings & simplify procurement
for your growing business

Unify RFQ Management, Discover New Suppliers, and Simplify PO Tracking – All in One Digital Hub. Elevate your procurement process, save time, and make informed decisions with

What is

Whether you’re navigating through RFQs, seeking trusted suppliers, or managing purchase orders, our platform is designed to empower businesses like yours. Dive into a seamless experience, compare quotations effortlessly, and connect with a vast network of suppliers. Let’s redefine what a streamlined supply chain looks like.
RFx Management

Move away from spreadsheets and the headache of manually comparing quotations. Quickly create RFQs, and share with Easily track and compare multiple quotations, ensuring you get the best value every time.

  • Share RFQs easily‍
  • Compare Quotations in Minutes
  • Digitize RFQ process
Supplier Discovery

Optimise your efforts and ease your supplier search with saving you time and money in the long run. We have pool of suppliers across industry to take of your manufacturing requirements.

  • Automate your Supplier Search​
  • Command more bargaining power​
  • Tap into vast suppliers network​
Supplier Management

Our smart supplier management streamlines supplier information processing and eliminates any data discrepancies that might have crawled in, providing suppliers with a complete digital product.

  • Manage all the supplier information
  • Communicate easily with suppliers
  • Risk Mitigation

Take stress out of your procurement process.​

Improve ROI and bring speed to your decision making.

Embrace the digital transformation of procurement with us and unlock new levels of efficiency, cost savings, and strategic insights. Experience a streamlined journey that empowers you to make informed decisions, collaborate seamlessly with suppliers, and achieve your procurement goals.

Digitise your Procurement Journey

Our platform is designed to revolutionize the way you manage procurement, leveraging the power of technology to drive success. Experience the numerous benefits of an efficient and streamlined process.
Create RFQs instantly

Say goodbye to time-consuming manual processes and welcome a streamlined and effcient way to request from

Share RFQ with multiple suppliers at the same time

Send your RFQ to 50+ suppliers at once and make data-driven decisions with ease.

Kepp track of your quotes

Keep your finger on the pulse with our RFQ Tracking system. Never miss a beat in your procurement process

Speedily compare multiple quotations

Say goodbye to time-consuming manual processes and welcome a streamlined and effcient way to request from

Add & manage your items

Keep your finger on the pulse with our RFQ Tracking system. Never miss a beat in your procurement process

Invite your suppliers & manage them

Send your RFQ to 50+ suppliers at once and make data-driven decisions with ease.

Recent Blogs

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Introducing Our New NDA Management Feature: Secure and Simplify

Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) protect sensitive information exchanged during supplier negotiations.

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Vendor Management in the Post-Pandemic World

In a world transformed by the pandemic, adaptability, communication, and technological innovation have emerged as cornerstones of success.

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How Our Analytics Dashboard Transforms Supplier Management

With a comprehensive set of features, our dashboard helps you monitor and enhance both supplier and team performance, leading to greater efficiency and cost savings.

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